Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ins and Outs of Termite Fumigation

Termites are destructive and dangerous insects. If not taken due care of, they can cause extensive damage to wood and force you to spend large sums of money to make repairs on your home damaged by termites. If you discover you have termites in your home or office, take urgent steps to eliminate the problem with an efficient method of termite control such as termite fumigation.

Here is how to go about termite fumigation:
1. Make sure that you really have termites in your house. You might notice damage to door frames and moldings and consider them to be the work of termites. Although these are signs of being infested by termites, there are several other insects that imitate actions of termites. It is advisable to hire services of a professional pest control company to confirm your fears. Most companies will do this inspection free of charge, in the hopes that you will purchase their termite fumigation services.
2. Clear the place to be treated by chemicals of all pets and family members. Products that kill termites can prove dangerously toxic to humans and animals, so the family, especially children, should remain away from the fumes. If needed, board your pets to make them stay away.
3. Take adequate protection against the toxic chemical that you will be handling, in case you decide to fumigate the house yourself. Wear clothes that cover most of your skin. Use protective gloves, safety glasses to prevent chemicals from entering your eyes, and a mask to cover your mouth and nose to keep fumes from entering your respiratory tract.
4. Apply the product to the infested area. Generally these products must be diluted and used as per instructions, so read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the product that you have chosen. The best way is to spray it with a sprayer. Pest controllers' sprayers generally require between 100 and 200 gallons of solution. However if you are using a smaller spray, be ready to charge it again.

Preparing the house for termite fumigation is an activity that deserves special attention. Here is what to do to prepare your house for fumigation.
1. Remove any food from the cupboards and the fridge. Put the remaining articles in protective bags. There is no need to remove cans and bottles that are unopened.
2. Get all the plants and animals out of the house. Ask your friends or relatives to take care of your pets for a while or leave them in a kennel during the fumigation. Put plants in the home of a friend, or just put them outside if the weather permits.
3. Notify your neighbors so that they can keep away their children and pets from fumes that rise during termite fumigation.
4. Removes all mattresses, pillows, and stuffed toys that you may sleep with regularly, especially babies' mattresses and stuffed toys.
5. Take your extremely valuable possessions with you out of the house and make a checklist of the ones that you have left behind. This will come in handy when you hire a professional fumigation company and unknown people will gain entry into the house.

Fumigation is an effective method for complete elimination of termites in a house, but the house must be properly set to ensure the safety of its occupants. Fumigation requires that the home is fully insulated and sealed before releasing poisoned gas to kill termites. You must leave the house for 24 hours or more after the fumigation process and only return when a licensed practitioner has verified the safety of the house.

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